trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Nobody Move...

OK, so interresting things that happened to me today...

Found a piece of paper on the ground that read: Remember: This is your life, right now, it doesn´t wait for you to get back on your feet.

While having breakfast: Heard the Muzac version of I Like the Way You Move by OutKast (such a shame).

Sat on the street with a 71 year old local artist and discussed (in Spanish) South Texas and ended up buying one of his watercolors, damn he was good.

Found hilarious powders that you put in someones drink or your own, they claim to have the power to do such things as bring money into your life, have someone return to you, have someone worship you. Thinking now of becoming a witch doctor.


Posted by: kilastravels.

Antigua 2

Antigua 2
Posted by: kilastravels.

ChiChi market

Church ChiChi

Green Door

Guate Guate


Posted by: kilastravels.


Posted by: kilastravels.


Posted by: kilastravels.

Our Lady of the Lock


´Feeling all right

Just so you know as I am typing this, a creepy old man just sat down next to me and is copying porn onto a disk. I looked over at one point and as a result he moved his screen (thank-you sir) and then reached down to get his bag. I was quite afraid of what he might pull out of his sack of goodies (insert your own thought here) but it was just a disk, I guess (because it seems the most logical) so that he could copy the photos and take them home for his viewing pleasure. From what I saw he likes chesty blonds. Oh the joys of Internet cafes.

So I have not written in quite a while, and in that time I have made a few decisions, in a moment of clarity I called American Airlines and changed my ticket to come home. I figured that I could pretty much buy the extra miles needed to fly to Central America with what I would save by not flying there right now. So decision made, I spoke with my sister who told me that she only thought there was a 20% chance I would come home or at least that is what she said to John, and ever since then that very statement has been echoing through my head, did I make the right decision... and suddenly I have started meeting people Tyler who was volunteering in Chiapas, working with farmers and teaching them about Genetically Modified Food (which they think is a plot devised by the US government to make them sterile so they will stop having children... but they also eat endangered species turtle eggs because it makes them more potent if you know what I mean). I wonder if he taught them about terracing their crops on the hill sides or that slash and burn is not the best method of harvesting. Then Dave the traveler from Upstate New York, with his friend Paul that I am not sure from where he resides, the two Isralie guys and then the two guys from Guatemala City, one that quite seriously asked me to be his girlfriend within the first 10 minutes, um no... Well decision made, I'm moving home... anybody know where I can find a Spanish style house with terra cotta tile floors and a courtyard.

So that very day (being Wednesday) I headed to Cafe 2000 to watch the Big Lebowski, hilarious, thanks Hutchins, and was feeling all right , laughed really hard, forgot how truly funny that movie is. So back to feeling all right (the way I imagine Paul Simon felt in the song Late in the Evening), decision made, grilled cheese sandwich in my belly the tart yet sweet taste of frozen lemonade still lingering in my mouth and heading to the Plaza for coffee and a bench seat to watch the sun go down or stare mindlessly at the fountain in the center of the plaza contemplating why the fountain consists of four women around the center holding their breasts with water shooting out of their nipples and who it was that designed the fountain, and who it was that approved the design, when suddenly this woman popped out of no where, I say no where but really she stepped out of a store onto the sidewalk right in front of me and I stepped sideways to avoid her, lost my balance and slipped, now this was not the kind of fall that is no big deal, this was the slow motion, the record scratch in the soundtrack of your life, the try to catch yourself and think you might recover but instead seconds later find your self surrounded by (or looking up at) people who are speaking in Spanish, trying to help you up because you are laid out (imagine how one looks while napping or sleeping for that matter) on the ground or rather on the cobble stone streets of Antigua, and then when I finally stood up, in a daze (this is not happening), noticed I had broken my ring (damn), and looked the woman right in her eyes, well really through her glasses and then into her eyes (she was wearing glasses, but not flattering ones and she had the I am old now so I am just going to cut my hair really short because it is low maintenance and wear sensible shoes thing going on) and I whispered under my breath, I´m sorry, not sure why I apologized for falling at her feet, but I recall that it felt very surreal and since I did´t know what else to say (other than in a New York accent Hey Lady watch where you're freakin going) I'm sorry worked its way quietly out of my lemonade mouth and I do remember that much.

Other than that I went to the Chi Chi markets (that being Chichicastenango, not some covert reference to the red light district in Guatemala), it was cool but not what I had expected, watched a few other movies including Gangs of New York which I forgot was pretty gruesome (I do not recommended eating while watching this flick), went to Guatemala City to hang with some people I met and ended up in an area similar to 6th Street / Bourbon Street, drank 23 year old rum on the rocks which I was told was the best ron in todo el mundo but I think they were biased, and got a massage, manicure and pedicure to make myself feel better about my decision and because I needed one in the worst way (I have been wearing flip flops for over 50 days now). So... I have a few more days here and if anyone is looking for anything Guatemalan in order to relive their hippy days, please by all means send me an e-mail, I will be checking it and soon enough I will be home and can call you once I get everyone's phone numbers again.

Oh and just so you all know, because I know you are all very interrested... that old man is still going at it (and when I say going at it I mean looking for photos), Which beggs the question: how many pictures does one man need? ( A very similar question to how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop)And on that note... I am not sure what he is going home to do but I am going home to read, my second Toni Morrison book in a week.

Thanks a lot, you have been a great audience.......


A travelers tale

I realized the other night while lying in bed wide awake because the people above me had just come in and were drunk, laughing and clunking around in what sounded like wooden shoes from the Netherlands, that traveling is like having people in your house at all times, yet it is not your house and everyone knows when you go to the restroom, or to the shower, what time you go out in the morning and come home in the evening. So it got me to thinking, I had a bit of time for thinking while person X told person Y in Spanish about his experiences that evening with the women he so lovingly referred to as putas*... I am guessing that things did not go so well for him this particular evening. Ah yes, so I was thinking... imagine someone always living in your house, like Lazlo in Real Genius, the guy that lives in Val Kilmer's closet. Imagine people whom you didn't invite over using your shower.

The other day while Pink Floyd was playing I overheard a young girl staying at my current place of residence say to her friend, oh don't you just love Led Zepplin. Oh yes, and if it were playing right now that would be even better I thought to myself... not that I expect people to know this bit of information but I thought it just the same.

Who are all these people in my house........

* as defined by Urban Dictionary:
1-(literary, official) a prostitute, bitch.
2-(vernacular, male) a woman who refuses to do what you want.
3-(vernacular, female) a woman you suspect of having a better sex life than you do.


Picture 2 from Tylers phone

Picture on Tylers phone


The tide is high but I´m holding on....

I´m not the kind of girl who gives up just like that...Soooo is deciding you want to come home giving up or changing your mind about how long you wanted to travel. That is the decision I am trying to make right now. I have been sick twice, robbed once, lost a bag once, program cancelled and trying to fight the good fight from a 3rd world country. Luckily I am now in Antigua (for the 3rd time) and I headed to an Israeli establishment last night and found solace in a glass of Red wine and a plate of hummus with pita. I miss options, rice and beans isn´t all it´s cracked up to be. My dilemma is this, spend the money to fly to Ecuador and decide I would have rather gone home and the price to Ecuador is very close to the price to fly to Ecuador from the states, so I cold logically rationalize that I could save the money and always go later, yes rationalize. Last night I watched part of Troy, um yeah if you didn´t see it don´t run out to the DVD store now, except there are some hot chicks in it and if the Brad Pitt without shirt does something for you or the Orlando Bloom being sensitive does something for you then by all means run don´t walk. Then after that Sweet home Alabama came on (there is a bar that plays continuous American movies for homesick travelers and half assed Antigua Language students and today they are playing the Big Lewbowski at 4) So I watched the movie and I though... is this movie telling me to go home... you know I think I am at a point where I could find a sign in just about anything. Next I have to call American Airlines and see if changing my flight is even an option and tomorrow I head to the Chi Chi market, anyone need anything from Guatemala?


Everyone is the age of their heart.

- Guatemalan Proverb

Candles & Roses

I saw God in the eyes of a Mayan woman

Yesterday I went to the Catholic church to think. I was tired of walking around town and wanted to sit somewhere peaceful, somewhere besides the Internet Cafe or Norm´s casita and the church is the most beautiful place in all of Comalapa, the pale yellow exterior walls, with a poor mans version of repoussee plaster painted white adorning the walls. Comalapa has beautiful churches unlike many of the churches of the north which are an attempt at a mission style front reminiscent of the Alamo in San Antonio. The interior walls had been freshly whitewashed and the pews, sturdy and stained dark cherry, were the perfect contrast to the starkness of the room. I looked up and noticed a raised wooden plank ceiling that matched the stain and gloss of the pews and clerestory windows nesteled underneath it. I made my way in past the Mayan women sweeping the entry way and took my seat about nine rows from the front. I sat and stared for what might have been ten minutes at this rather large angel surrounded by paper mache at the front of the church. She wasn´t the Virgin Mary or of Guadalupe, she was just an angel, standing there surrounded by rings of red tissue paper roses, which reminded me how my sister always whispers "Sleep with the Angels" as she closes my nephews door before he falls asleep. In the church the people were scurrying about pulling out of the vases near dead flowers and replacing them with fresh pale pink, peach and yellow gladiolas. The flowers I assumed served as decoration because as far as I could tell they were placed next to the Santos grouped in clusters around the walls. Some of the Santos had been placed carefully in nichos behind lock and key, some of them in small portals, others resting against walls or raised on tables. Their faces tarnished and chipped from years of being removed from their cases and carried through religious processions and a myriad of other pagan celebrations. I envisioned them one day being replaced by newer versions and retiring to a store not unlike Cierras in Austin. I imagined them with toe tags that read $1000.00 to be taken off after finding their way to some urban cowboys ranch house, placed among the other treasures, sitting on clean terracotta tile floors, keeping watch over empty sofas and sturdy wooden tables adorned with expensive coffee table books of the wild west or Frida Kahlo's artwork. After sitting a while and enjoying the peace within this welcoming sanctuary I began to walk around to find a Santos that I could light a candle for my grandfather under (a ritual started by my sister while traveling through Europe and visiting many Catholic churches). As I started walking around I began thinking about a book I recently read and about my family. I watched as women came in, often with children, picked their patron saint du jour and knelt bowing their heads in silence. I enjoyed the ritual I was witnessing, one I had witnessed so many times at St. Anthony's church, the rosary, the kneeling, the cross, head to heart shoulder to shoulder. I found comfort in the ritual, I have seen it done so many times, it reminded me of being a child, of watching Italian and Spanish soccer, American football, hearing the Pope speak, weddings, funerals, baptisms, confirmations. I finally found a portal that had three very large Santos placed behind finger-smudged glass. They were all three women, and I always find myself pulled to the female saints. A few candles were burning on the iron table placed in front of the glass, yet this room was different, around the candles were rose petals torn from their stem and scattered about, hot pinks and reds, colors that had a delicious contrast next to the yellow candles burning in this dimly lit room. I decided I had found the room. As I walked closer I noticed a woman in the room, kneeling and praying in the corner, her Mayan shawl draped over her head and body. I decided to give her time so I continued walking around admiring the Santos, their size, their humble faces, their contemplative gaze carved for eternity. I noticed how the light floated in from the clerestory windows bathing the room in a warm glow. I suddenly noticed something that I had not paid any attention to before, as I looked down I almost tripped over the rudimentary boxes placed on the floor. These wooden boxes with a slit big enough for a coin were siting next to many of the saints, some had a lock that could easily be opened with the force of ones hand and some only had a latch guarded by the Saint who's feet they accompanied, I leaned over and dropped in the three quetzales I had in my pocket. Wondering if the woman was finished I walked back to the portal I had choosen earlier, the woman was now standing and about to walk out, she gathered her things, called to her daughter, and as she turned she looked at me and I saw that her eyes were filled with tears. I wondered briefly what must be going on in her head and realized that she was doing the same as I was, she was looking for clarity, answers, help with decisions that sometimes seem to big to make.


Mariposa Traicionera

Eres como una mariposa
vuelas y te posas vas de boca en boca
facil y ligera de quien te provoca

Yo soy raton de tu ratonera
trampa que no mata pero no libera
vivo muriendo prisionero
Mariposa traicionera
todo se lo lleva el viento
Mariposa no regreso

Ay, mariposa de amor, mi mariposa de amor
Ya no regreso contigo
Ay, mariposa de amor, mi mariposa de amor
Nunca jamas junto a ti
vuela amor, vuela dolor
y no regreses a un lado
ya vete de flor en flor
seduciendo a los pistilos
y vuela cerca del sol
pa'que sientas lo que es dolor

Ay, mujer como haces daño
pasan los minutos cual si fueran años
mira estos celos me estan matando

Ay, mujer que facil eres
abres tu alitas, muslos de colores
donde se posan tus amores
Mariposa traicionera
todo se lo lleva el viento
mariposa no regreso

Ay, mariposa de amor, mi mariposa de amor
Ya no regreso contigo
Ay, mariposa de amor, mi mariposa de amor
Nunca jamas junto a ti
vuela amor, vuela dolor
que tengas suerte en tu vida
ay, ay, ay, ay, ay dolor
yo te llore todo un rio
ay, ay, ay, ay, ay amor
tu te me vas a volar


Amoeba is a four letter word

Well I am finally able to function again. I woke up this morning and felt well enough to eat a small piece of pan dulce and a glass of water. I went to bed early on Tuesday night because I felt tired and achey, then I woke up at around 3 AM because I felt terrible, the progression was slow but by morning I was full on sick and begged Norm to take me to the doctor. I had taken a few things for nausea but none of them were working. I began to miss my bed and chicken soup and all the comforts of home. After a short bumpy taxi ride to the doctor, a shot in the bum, and lots of unknown pills, I found myself checked into a hotel room, although I am not sure why because the hot water was not working and my thought was to take a hot shower to get rid of the chills and lower my fever. Around 9 PM Norm moved me to a Peace Corps Volunteer´s house that seems a lot more like home and we rented movies and I curled up hoping the pain would go away, sure enough this morning it was gone, and I feel like a normal human again, although now I am afraid to eat anything that is not prepackaged. I am trying to make decisions on what I need to do and I am looking into Spanish school in Argentina and Chile, I am not sure what the best decision would be for me. I found out another friend is pregnant, I have so many new babies to see upon my return. That leaves me trying to answer the question should I keep trying to fight the fight from here or return to family and friends and come up with a new plan. If I decide to head further south I will be leaving in about a week, which I am ready to do but once I go then I am that much further away from home. Decisions, decisions.......


Posted by: kilastravels.

Sitting on the street - San Pedro

On the beach with Norm

The winner of the Tuk Tuk Race

Night out in Pana


It's good to be here...

I made it back to Comalapa to find Norm sitting in a hammock, he was supposed to go out of town to a Mayan ceremony but when he found out I was coming back he waited for me. He also mentioned that he had been invited to Pana for the weekend but wasn't sure I was in the mood for that since I had just flown in and taken an hour and a half taxi ride to Comalapa. I said actually I was in the mood but only if we could also head t San Pedro or San Marcos la Laguna, because that is where I would rather go it we headed to Lake Atitlan. So right now I am having a coffee at an Internet cafe in San Pedro, I really do love it here. After running errands and visiting with my parents on the phone we headed to Panahachel and found out it was a holiday weekend, the streets, bars, & restaurants were packed with people from Guatemala City and Xela and there wasn't much room for anyone else, however we met up with some Volunteers and managed to find a table and sit down for a nice dinner, after that we convinced the Tuk Tuk drivers to race down to the lake and back, unfortunately for racing purposes (but big on safety) our extremely cautious driver came in last both times once yielding for another team to pass. Oh well the next morning we met up with everyone for breakfast and headed to San Pedro, a nice little village with amazing views of the lake and cozy restaurants and winding dirt paths. The four of us had dinner and drinks at a wonderful place Zoola sitting in the cgarden with candles on the tables, and then headed to the Buddha Bar to sit on big couches with views of the lake and on to Barrio an outdoor bar with seating around fire pits and great nachos. I think we should be leaving today to head back to Comalapa to get some work done before the kids come on Wednesday. Other than that I am investigating plans to study Spanish here and possible document the Todo Santos Race in November. Happy Monday...


Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!


Flores, Tikal and why I love Guatemala

Well I am now back in Guatemala, Flores to be exact and my room costs 8 dollars a night, dinner and two beers cost 6. Isn´t that wonderful? So today I went to Tikal, I made the 5 AM bus so that I could get there before the crowds which was smart, but it was bad for photos, the morning sun creates horrible shadows for Temples and makes the sky not as brilliant blue as later in the day. Well that is the breaks I guess, I have to admit that I liked Chitzen Itza better for what was there and Tulum better because of where it was, but I guess now I know the difference. Tikal was the largest Mayan settlement and had over 100,000 people living at it, so I had to go and they say that it really gives you the feeling of what it was like to live ther because it is still a part of the jungle and so many animals are around, which is true, I still liked the others better. Other than that as I said I am glad to be back in good old GTA, tomorrow I fly to Guatemala City... Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad... and then I will head back to Norm´s for a bit. I think I have decided to study two weeks in San Pedro La Laguna and then two weeks in Xela, then back to Norms for a brief visit and onto South America hopping over Belize and Panama, to be done at a later date... as in not this trip. Then I will get to South America the beginning of October end of September and have 2 1/2 months to travel and hit some language schools down there, possibly in Ecuador and/or another country yet to be decided. I am wondering what many of you are up to, send me info and Leslie Good Luck with the Alaska move. Until the next time...

Big John Stops for Snacks

Templo II - Tikal

Templo II
Posted by: kilastravels.

Templo I y II - Tikal

Lago Canoa - Flores

Belize City

Sunrise Caye Cauker


On the Reef

Caye Cauker Bldg

Caye Cauker

In the Air

Before my Flight


The Reef part 2

Well I just had the most amazing meal at this wonderful restaurant Habeneros. I had firecracker prawns and then shrimp and veggie fajitas, but I ate it as if it were stirfry and it was wonderful. The waiter kept giving me trouble and I kept falling for his jokes, it was if I suddenly became the most gullible person on the key. SO back to today, first we went to the Split and saw tons of wonderful fish. I have been snorkeling in the Caribbean before and so I was snapping away photos and almost used up all my film in one place, which was a shame because then we were off to Shark and Ray alley. They threw some fish into the water and the next thing you knew a million huge sting rays were swimming about. At first I didn't want to get into the water but figured that it was really not anything to be scared of. So There I stood with stingrays banging into my legs, standing very still. Soon after that another guy from New York and I were back in the boat... Here come the nurse sharks. Not that they bite but I didn't want to be the freak show that did get bitten, I figured that would put a damper on the next portion of my trip, so instead I sat there in the boat cooking my skin. I had on 30 proof but I think after the first hour in the water it was all but gone. So then it was off to Coral Garden, wow I had no idea what I would soon be seeing, besides beautiful coral formations and huge schools of brightly colored fish, we soon heard out guide yelling Manatee... Not that he had seen one but another guide was telling him there was one about, so we all started swimming in his direction and he was heading to a cove where he had seen many swimming before. On my way over to him, another guide from another boat grabbed my arm and turned me around, and there she was. I say she because it was in fact the manatee that was often confused with the mermaid. Luckily Elisa was right there and she had film left in her camera, we followed the manatee for a while until we realized everyone had abandoned the chase and we were swimming out to sea, the manatee was not stopping to chat although we were in hot pursuit. So we stopped, right in time to rejoin our group when suddenly we heard turtle, face back into the water, and there he was, beautiful big sea turtle, in fact huge sea turtle. He was just crusin, swimming along as if he had no other place to be. So we chased him for a while and the swam a while more, headed back to the boat and had fresh watermelon, pineapple and water. I was very happy I decided to go out to the reef on that day on that trip. We also saw two water spouts off in the distance, the sun was amazing which added to the vibrancy and the sun cast designs on the ocean floor similar to the designs a pool creates. I was mesmerized and remembered how much I had enjoyed snorkeling and scuba diving before. I have realized during my time in Belize that I am not much of a sand person but I do love the water, boats, sailing, etc. So now I am heading off to bed, I have packed my bags and although I have nothing new my bag seems to get heavier and heavier. I might have to start abandoning things along the way although I feel like I have already lost/had stolen so many things. It will be nice to get back to Guatemala where the evenings are cool and the people speak Spanish. I was rather enjoying the different language and different people. Adios Belize.....

You better Belize it... the reef part one

I am hot right now so I am going to make this quick. Today I went out on the reef it was amazing. I saw a ton of fish, some nurse sharks, played with the sting rays, saw a manatee, and a giant turtle. What a day I chased the manatee for a while it was super cool and right after that chased the giant turtle until our guide touched his back and then he was gone. Other than that I have been sick with a head cold for about 3 or 4 days and I think it is finally over, thanks to vitamin C, sudafed, V-8 and my AC room with cable. OK, so I splurged, but I wasn't in the mood to be sick and sweat at the same time. Tonight is my last night in Belize, I have decided to leave early and head for Tikal, it will be my first time to travel alone in Central America, but after almost 6 weeks I feel ready, and I think it is time. I have been trying to figure out what to do now that things have changed and some alone me time is what the doctor ordered, at least for now. I am taking it day by day. After Tikal, which I plan to do super early Friday morning before it gets too hot I will be heading back to see Norm and come up with a plan, I should be there Saturday or Sunday and will probably at least stay though having my clothes washed by the Mayan woman down the dirt road and/or Wednesday so I can see the kids again. I need to pick up a book about traveling in Central America and a book to read (now that I have no music). I might have to spend some time in Guatemala City but I am hoping that I don't, keep your fingers crossed for me. I will write more hopefully tonight or someplace where the heat is not as oppressive.


Caye Cauker and Belizean prices

Today I am taking a twin engine plane up to Caye Cauker, to spend the rest of my time with Elisa before she leaves. Belize is expensive, for example I paid 3.50 for a beer yesterday, not really in my budget but what are you going to do. We bought food to keep in our room which cuts down on the eating out cost and that has helped defray the cost of a room here. Since I last wrote so much has happened, my program contacted me and said they really could no longer honor 3 month teaching commitments and could I do 6 months in each place for the same cost. I said that I really could not because I have to get home and so now I am basically out of a job and have loads of time on my hands until I return, not to mention I am not sure what I will do in Europe for so long. But yesterday I spent a lot of time researching Spanish language school prices around central and South America. I think that might be the way to go and could even possibly find work along the way as I go. Yesterday was very hard for me because as many of you know I really like having a plan and now I feel as if I don't. I told Elisa to go out without me so that I could have some time alone, something of which I have not had too much of since I left Austin. I needed to think and think I had been stressing myself out because I had a lot of back pain, the first time since I have been here and I think I was just too tense all of yesterday. So the night alone was great, I read a little, thought a lot and went to bed early, asked for a second fan to place right on me to keep me from sweating and slept. This morning I rose early as I always do and sat outside and painted with my travel watercolor kit that my mom gave me for Christmas... Thanks mom! I need to remember that certain things bring me pleasure and that was one of them. Then after a light rain I headed into the ocean and visited with Elisa a bit before I ended up here writing this update. I e-mailed a woman I know (who studied and wrote her thesis about the artists in San Pedro) about possible art classes in San Pedro and she said she did not know anything available for tourists, I did find some classes in Antigua but they were very expensive and only lasted 10 days. Some of them were travel photography, or photo journalism or how to photograph in Central America but I think that I might already have a grip on that. They did have a collage course but it was also very expensive and I am not sure I would really be doing anything but killing time. I wish I could find some silversmithing classes here like I took when I was living in Mexico, maybe I need to make my way back to Mexico at some point and relearn what I have now forgotten. If anyone has any suggestions or contacts please let me know, I am willing to do almost anything to make a bit of extra money. So that said I leave in about 2 hours for Caye Cauker so I think I might have one last walk around before paying my bill and heading to the airport. I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. After Cauker I will be heading to Flores to see Tikal and then back through Guatemala for a bit before I head south and attempt to make it into South America for a while.........



Posted by: kilastravels.

Placencia 2

Red Stripe at the Pickled Parrot

Posted by: kilastravels.

The Beach Bazar

Pickled Parrot


I am in Belize now, and yesterday was beautiful but all morning it has been raining so I figured I would do a bit of computer work instead of sitting in the sun. I still have my fingers crossed. Last night was fun, we went to a sports bar and befriended the owner. He opened up the pool table and we played pool for free while trying to teach Elisa how to play. Today the owner invited us to a BBQ but I am not sure it will be happening because as I mentioned it is raining. One side of me wants to just move on and maybe if Elisa get up soon then we can discuss that as an option, might as well travel on a rainy day I suppose.


Ouside my front door

Little Boy at the Hotel - Livingston


Now in Livingston

We made it after 2 busses, 2 micros and a boat ride to Livingston, a beautiful town on the Caribbean, that is full of color and local flavor... For sure. I have to back track a bit because I have been in such a remote area that I have not been able to update things in a while. Oh and while I am thinking of it Happy B/day to Benny coming up soon, I saw someone that really reminded me of you today!!! So anyway I was in Semuc Champey in north central Guatemala, we decided to head that way on or way to Belize and I was so happy we did, after a night in Coban we headed out and arrived at about 2 PM. Although we thought we were tired we read a sign advertising a candle lit cave tour and tubing. Well I was hot and I remembered all the good times I had tubing in central Texas and we decided to go. Well I was not really sure what I was getting myself into but I am glad I did not know because I am not sure I would have gone. We had to abandon everything but our bathing suits and were handed a candle. After lighting our candles we began to descend into the caves, filled with bats and water we climbed through waterfalls with ropes, swam with one hand holding the candle, climbed over rocks, scraped our knees, and I loved it. The only part that was a bummer was that I had not bought a waterproof camera yet and so I have only the memories in my head. It was amazing and I can't wait to do something like it again, yea spelunking , I'm in! So the next day we headed down to the pools and just lazed around in the turquoise and green waters of Semuc Champey, que bonita! I have now made it to the Caribbean and plan on relaxing a few days before heading to Belize for about a week and then I will be flying to Buenos Aires. I cannot believe so much time has gone bye, and that Central America is almost over, I could stay here for so much longer. Ok I am starving and will write more later when I think of it. Hope everyone is doing well, you are all in my thoughts... Sleep with the Angels... K


On the boat ride to Livingston 2

On the boat ride to Livingston

On the way to Lanquin

Sunrise Semuc Champey

Crazy California Girls / Cricket and Malika

Caves by Candle Light

Semuc Champey

Semuc Champey

Natures patterns

Walking back from Semuc Champey

At Semuc Champey

In Coban

In Coban
Posted by: kilastravels.