trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Caye Cauker and Belizean prices

Today I am taking a twin engine plane up to Caye Cauker, to spend the rest of my time with Elisa before she leaves. Belize is expensive, for example I paid 3.50 for a beer yesterday, not really in my budget but what are you going to do. We bought food to keep in our room which cuts down on the eating out cost and that has helped defray the cost of a room here. Since I last wrote so much has happened, my program contacted me and said they really could no longer honor 3 month teaching commitments and could I do 6 months in each place for the same cost. I said that I really could not because I have to get home and so now I am basically out of a job and have loads of time on my hands until I return, not to mention I am not sure what I will do in Europe for so long. But yesterday I spent a lot of time researching Spanish language school prices around central and South America. I think that might be the way to go and could even possibly find work along the way as I go. Yesterday was very hard for me because as many of you know I really like having a plan and now I feel as if I don't. I told Elisa to go out without me so that I could have some time alone, something of which I have not had too much of since I left Austin. I needed to think and think I had been stressing myself out because I had a lot of back pain, the first time since I have been here and I think I was just too tense all of yesterday. So the night alone was great, I read a little, thought a lot and went to bed early, asked for a second fan to place right on me to keep me from sweating and slept. This morning I rose early as I always do and sat outside and painted with my travel watercolor kit that my mom gave me for Christmas... Thanks mom! I need to remember that certain things bring me pleasure and that was one of them. Then after a light rain I headed into the ocean and visited with Elisa a bit before I ended up here writing this update. I e-mailed a woman I know (who studied and wrote her thesis about the artists in San Pedro) about possible art classes in San Pedro and she said she did not know anything available for tourists, I did find some classes in Antigua but they were very expensive and only lasted 10 days. Some of them were travel photography, or photo journalism or how to photograph in Central America but I think that I might already have a grip on that. They did have a collage course but it was also very expensive and I am not sure I would really be doing anything but killing time. I wish I could find some silversmithing classes here like I took when I was living in Mexico, maybe I need to make my way back to Mexico at some point and relearn what I have now forgotten. If anyone has any suggestions or contacts please let me know, I am willing to do almost anything to make a bit of extra money. So that said I leave in about 2 hours for Caye Cauker so I think I might have one last walk around before paying my bill and heading to the airport. I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday. After Cauker I will be heading to Flores to see Tikal and then back through Guatemala for a bit before I head south and attempt to make it into South America for a while.........


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