trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Musing on Sunday

First off we won our tennis match yesterday. We will be headed to sectionals in Dallas in August, can you say hot days in the concrete jungle. I am excited... it gives me more reason to practice and play which I love. This summer will be full of many things to do and now tennis is added to the list. Last night we went to McAllen, I was the DD which was fine because I had not been at the wedding that everyone else had been at and so I had not had a drink. When we got to Kaf's (sp?) I was not too thrilled about being there but funny as it is I was the only one to meet someone. Tom, as I now know his name to be, was in town visiting his family, he starts a mini-semester at UNT for his Masters on Thursday, great timing, he asked me out for Monday. I guess we shall see...

This morning I have already mowed the yard, cleaned the fridge and am now heading to the grocery before I sit down and pound out some graphic design. All I wanna do is have another day this weekend. I am sore from tennis.

I had an old friend call me (Jay) and ask me to be his date for a wedding of another old friend (Megan). It will be a mini-reunion of sorts with people coming in from northern Cali and all over. Should be fun... some of these people I have not seen in years... some of them now have children... some of these people are now divorced... oh wait that's me.

I spoke with my ex the other night, and I laughed the whole time. Is it possible that I am the only one that can forgive him? Or is it that I am the only one that needs to forgive him?

I have not quite decided yet... should a man be trusted that offers you a fresh toothbrush when you stay at his house? Is it that he has a spare on hand and he is generous enough to offer it to you or is it that he often has house guests spending the night and he keeps tooth brushes on hand for that reason and somewhere in the back of his cabinet he has an elaborate archival system with girl's toothbrushes in plastic baggies... names and dates written on them filed in alphabetical order awaiting your return?

Something I noticed on my grandmother's bulletin board... "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." ~Mark Twain

Happy Sunday to all...

I will try to post the photo of us after our win, that is if I can get a copy... for now here is a person I have been hanging with lately. I think he has a toothbrush collection.


Happy Birthday Dad!


Mom's Surprise 60th Birthday Party


Easter Rocks!

So today I had the whole fam damily over for brunch at my house. I had to stay home on Saturday just to be able to wake up and take care of business. It started out rather slow, the egg casserole would not cook but then it got better. After lots of chit chat and a near meltdown from my oldest nephew Mac I moved to my room to watch the story of Jesus in Spanish with him. . . after a bit of viewing pleasure I looked at him and after some consideration... I said "Jesus is HOT", he then looked at me rather perplexed, so I clarified... "I would date Jesus". . . shaggy hair, beard. . . I am all over that, plus I have always been preferential to brunettes with olive skin (lucky for me in south Texas). But wait then a response came and he said... "I wouldn't". "Well yeah" I said, "cause he would be dating me", again the look came. I think my nephew was trying to figure me out. He then changed the subject. "I think he is going to die" he said, I said "hate to ruin it for you but that is not until later". Happy Easter Everyone. . . it is 95 degrees here in Tropical Paradise Hell, hope you have had enough cold beer or champagne to make it pleasant enough for you.

Easter with the family at my Casita


How Kila Got Her Groove Back

Well I have not written in a while and not even posted any photos. For some reason I keep forgetting to take out my camera. It seems all has calmed down. I am finally done (keeping my fingers crossed) with my DBE application for Chico Trucking and have been working a ton between graphic design, Chico, and subbing. I guess that is a good thing. I have also been waking early to walk, playing tennis (we won our first match), and yoga. I am sitting here listening to Ottmar Liebert watching the palms sway in my back yard... ahhhhhhhh. It is hot today and you can smell the confederate jasmine wafting through the air. I forget how it smells until April rolls around and I am nicely reminded. You gotta love March for the Purple Mountain Laurel and April for the Jasmine. Other than that my grandmother is finally home and doing well, although I have a cold and have not been able to see her in quite some time for fear of giving her my cold. This week is a busy one with dinner and parties and a trip or two to Mexico and my wonderful Norm comes in town this weekend to spend a few days before heading north. I also received a note from my friend Benn... it was a nice surprise to hear from him and know what he has been up to. Does the warmth of spring and flowers blooming also bring on the urge to contact old friends? I hope everyone has now sprung forward and is out there enjoying the wonderful weather. Personally I am looking forward to days by the pool and the laughter of my nephews, oh and the birth of TomKats baby.... now that I have you smiling, Happy Spring to you all.