trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Night out in ATX with Pat & Jen

One of my Graphic Design pieces at Tesoros, Austin


Last Night He Said.... oh baby I'll be alright

OK, so last night was my birthday... It started out pretty innocent then it got crazy. My friend Bobbie recapped the night... "He kept telling the guy next to him about how amazing I was... I've heard this story... BOARING" I talked on the phone to my significant other, was bought shots... too many, bought nine roses, and stole Bobbie's quarter pounder. Hello who needs a quarter pounder at two in the morning. The roses were hilarious, the guy that bought them even more so, he called my significant other and threatened chingasos. So hilarious... I have to tell you when someone admits that they have been in love with you since the 8th grade, buys you roses, calls your man and says he is going to steal you (as if you can be stolen), asks you out to lunch, gets your number and all you have to say is "well good luck trying to steal me" as you walk out the door, you have a lot to laugh about in the McDonald's drive thru lane. Then Bobbie made us head over to the Admiral's Dinghy, to meet another high school friend who called at 1:00 in the morning. We realized as we arrived that she would be the only blond girl in the bar and I ended up having a dance off with some girl to my favorite band Mana. Hello let me repeat that... I had a dance off with some local hip shaker at the Dinghy on my birthday. I think I won. Livin' in TPH (Tropical Paradise Hell) is crazy. We are still trying to decide if we want to go to the Rodeo or the Boat Show next weekend... sailors or cowboys, so many decisions, so many choices.

On The Colbert Report they discussed the fact that my birthday is the worst day of the year and then showed some hilarious video to make us happy... It made me happy.

On another note, Bobbie has made her dating list for the next year... See below...

Bobbie's hottie list:

Vince Vaughn,
Owen Wilson,
Jon Stewart,
Matthew "hottie" Mc Conaughey,
Patrick Dempsey,

I think she has left a few out like Dan from the Wonder Twins, and I would switch Owen for Luke, maybe we could double date.


Happy Birthday to me - Jan. 24 called worst day of the year

It's almost official: Today's the "worst" day of the year
By Lenore Skenazy
New York Daily News
NEW YORK — It may not be officially marked on the calendar, but Jan. 24 happens to be THE worst day of the year.

OK, so Hallmark hasn't given the day its seal of greeting-card approval yet, but it's only a matter of time before everyone comes to realize what Cliff Arnall has proved scientifically.

Armed with an actual equation, Arnall, a British psychologist, tallied up all the rotten things we humans must face in life and determined that they happen to peak in late January.

Which rotten things, exactly?

First, there is Jan. 24's distance from Christmas: way too far to look forward to, but way too recent to have recovered from financially. The misery of debt figures heavily in his equation.

So does weather. You generally won't hear meteorologists saying, "Dig out the bikini — it'll be sunny with a high of 86!" No, January weather — even amazingly good weather — is still amazingly bad weather compared with pretty much all of spring, summer and fall.

By now, Arnall figures, you have abandoned all your New Year's resolutions. You are smoking, drinking and overeating — possibly all at once. Possibly when you should be getting dressed for work. Possibly that is why you were hiding under the covers. That's part of what makes Jan. 24 stink.

And finally, there is the issue of what we have to look forward to: not much.

The short-term horizon is distressingly free of three-day weekends.

That leaves us with tax forms on the way and more predictions of bad weather. But look on the bright side!

Wait — there isn't one. Sorry.

Copyright © 2006 The Seattle Times Company


My Party....

Last night was my official House Warming/Birthday Party. It was a blast... I have to thank my parents and my sister and brother-in-law. I believe a great time was had by all. Click on the photos for larger versions...

Birthday Party House Warming

House Warming Birthday Party


Kids can be such A**holes

So I just got finished subbing today... well a few hours ago, I will admit I came home and had a glass of wine... These kids were ruthless, and I had no idea how to deal. I let all my diversity and developmental training go out the window and practiced a little yoga/meditation training. I was able to make an hour and a half go by rather quickly with a little text messaging in between. I have always appreciated the observation of subbing in high school. On one level it brings you back, puts you in the place of teachers and reminds you of your youth, on a totally different level it makes you wonder if the end of humanity is nearing. I actually was handed a love note by a student today, another student was shocked by the fact that I was from the valley. I am reminded of the fact that I am the minority down here, that to some I am no longer the hippy Austin loving person with a counseling degree and diversity training under my belt. That I used to utter the words can't we all just get along until I realized that we have our own struggles and differences that make us wonderful. To a large population of Harlingen High School I am the blue eyed enemy. These students have lived lives that far outreach mine, they have children and night jobs, they are confused that I have neither and that I lived down here moved away and for some reason moved back with no husband or child tugging at my skirt. I was disappointed in myself, dissapointed in the fact that I believe in the Edward James Olmos movie lines, I have watched Stand and Deliver and many other moves that deal with adversity and overcoming that very thing, but I was at a loss today. I gave up I figured that I could not be the one to make a difference in one day. At one point I considered, throwing away their work and telling them all about myself, look at me I am cool... I promise... but then figured that was a waste as well... I am yet to discover how to make a difference... I do appreciate the difference. Occasionally I answer them in Spanish which is my little way of stirring thing up. But never anything as easy as Buenos Dias, I always throw a really difficult saying to really keep them guessing. I have noticed the difference between my day (late 80's early 90's) and the modern day cholo (lowrider) He no longer wears a wife beater with a flannel shirt over it with only the one top button buttoned, no stacy shoes (AKA shiny cockroach killer shoes) and the hair net is out. The bling is in, the CZ earrings in both ears and the baggy pants. Many of you will be happy to know that extremely white sneakers are still in fashion, laces tied being optional. I would have never known this bit of information if I had not taken on this immersion therapy I call substitute teaching at my former high school. Sometimes I sit in total awe. One student said to me today... Hey miss you are just sitting there staring off into space, and I replied, well what do you want me to do if I try and show any bit of authority you will take it as a challenge and be a jerk back and I'm really not in the mood today. That was after he asked me if these were my real eyes. Oh and yes you can buy colored contacts in the pharmacies in Mexico for reduced prices if you are interested...

Other than that I have been down to the beach, gotten a tan in January, been on a few dates, one with a guy from Michigan and another with a guy from high school. Crazy, I now believe that everyone at some point of their life should move back to where they came from and enjoy the moment. I find myself in utter and complete shock every now and then, loving it and finding refuge in my home, my sanctuary. I have a birthday party/house warming this weekend, a night out with friend at the only semi-cool bar in town and another day of substitute teaching. Say a prayer for me tonight, for tomorrow I return to the hallowed halls of HHS.... Cardinal Spirit Never Dies!


Sweet Ben

Kevin from England

Taking the Brit to Mexico

Another January Day in Tropical Paradise Hell

Sunset at Parrot Eyes


Bartender from Parrot Eyes


Ben learned to smile


Roses are Red and UT is the National Champion


The Love Boat...

So I was tempted, convinced or quite possibly tricked into going out this New Years. I was given a free ticket to a party at the Raddison South Padre Island. The beginning of the evening started out well... we stopped by a couple of people's houses and then it was on to the Love Boat. I never realized how true this could be. My friend Bobby says that she has always felt as if the Raddison was a land locked cruise ship. I would have to agree and on this night and the band that was playing was absolutely terrible. They could have found a great band but oh no, the house band was playing... fantastic... I ended up getting on the phone at about midnight and sittting outside on the deck, visiiting with a friend until the wee hours of the morning. I only spent 4.50 on one drink and when I finally returned in to find my friendss they had all left back to the condo, my bad.

So I have put up a photo for now and hope to have more from Marigel later. Happy New Year's Y'all.

New Years Eve - Tina, Bobbie, Marigel & Me