trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Heading Back to Guatemala

In less than two days I will be heading back to Guatemala, to take more photographs and buy some more things that I would like to try and sell. My house is coming along well and I have many plans for my return but first I have to head back to Central America. I have not yet heard back from Norm since his last transmission. He was back in Guate hanging out with his girlfriend and planning some relief work in the area of Lago Atitlan. I am still in shock about the mud slides in Guate. Norm said that many of the places we visited are covered in mud, or in his words GONE. I am still not sure what he means by gone, but what I think he means leaves a strange feeling floating around. In the next few days I should be putting up once again photos from my travels. Please be sure to check again.

Other than that I have been rather quiet. I have been hanging out a lot with my friend Bobbie, who is home for an undetermined amount of time to take care of her mothers estate after her unexpected death. It is strange how we have both followed the same path, both taking off time to travel, spending much of our time in Central America and now unexpectedly both back in the Valley. I am happy to have her here she keeps me sane. We did attempt to venture out last Friday night and after one too many cocktails headed home only to swear off heading out again any time too soon. I am sure I will eventually get used to the differences here but I was pretty much left rendered speechless by a woman talking to my friend. After mentioning to her that although many people speak Spanish you can often tell where they are from because the words used vary from country to country, I mentioned that a word she used was only used in Mexico, her response was... "And your point is?".... I was so in shock I stood up and left the table, my friend offered to buy me a beer however I passed and wished him a good evening with his company.

So I am tying up loose ends, one of those being to try and get in touch with Norm, I guess if I don't get in touch with him I will be traveling solo, which I am not longer afraid of.


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