trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Early Bird gets the Worm


I woke up at 5:45 this morning, and decided to figure out my schedule for the next few weeks. It reminded me of the days I lived in Austin when I had everything planned out weeks if not months in advance. I close on my house tomorrow, head to Austin in a couple of weeks for a wedding and have decided to head to back to Guatemala to take more photos and head to the Drunken Horse Race in Todo Santos up in the Cumbre. I will only be there from the 26th of October until the 3rd of November because I am heading back for the CASA charity event my sister has coordinated and that I designed the postcard for. I have a job interview at UT Brownsville on Monday; it would be working for a grant-funded program that works with first generation, low socio-economic kids and gearing them up for college. I am excited and nervous. I have been trying to get things together for Chico trucking, I need to sell raffle tickets for the Long Way Home Foundation, I am trying to get an online store together for my mom and sister, and I need to move into my house starting this Friday. I am supposed to head to Brownsville with my grandmother on Tuesday and McAllen with my dad on Saturday. I feel completely and totally out of control and yet I am excited because everything is going to finally come to fruition. I will have a new house, with new beginnings; I will see all the things I packed up 6 months ago before I left for Australia. Which brings me to Europe. I so desperately want to travel with my friend Danielle and am trying to figure out a way to do that. I am not sure if I will be able. Maybe I could for at least two weeks, it all depends on weather or not my family goes on a trip for my moms 60th and if I get a job that allows me to go... Oh well until then wish me luck!


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