trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


In Sydney ... one day till flight time

I am in Sydney and it is my last day. Nothing has happened since I returned. Both days I have gone to the little coffee shop that now knows me by name. That make fun of my accent when I say Yall and tomatoes. I do like my salami, grilled tomatoes and cheese on Turkish and I am now ordering flat whites instead of lattes. I am sad to leave but Irene is in a bit of a state. She has been nannying and has been very busy. last night she wanted me to go to her mothers and stay there by myself. Instead I went over to her brothers and his girlfriends, we had a few cocktails and then went to be early but it beats being alone. I considered going out by myself but Sydney is so big I did not know if that was what I wanted to do. So for two night is a row I have gone to bed early. Today we are supposed to go hit the town and shop and see a few more sights, I am afraid Irene is being selfish and we will spend more time at the coffee shop that doing anything that would benefit me. That is the problem with visiting someone that is depressed. I noticed myself becoming irritated with her yesterday, after we drove past her ex-boyfriends place of business for the third time and she kept repeating stories over and over I wondered why I came back early at all. Yesterday I had her drop me of at a mall when I bought some new skirts and had my nails and toes done. They were quite frightful after 3 weeks of traveling. At least I had a bit of time to myself. I have been thinking a lot about the traveling I am about to do and although the positives outweigh the negatives travel can be lonely. Secondly when you meet good people you don't want to leave them. I think about Danielle, Jorik and Philippe quite often and will be very sad if I don't see the guys before I leave but as today is my last day I believe that to be the case. I am sure I will find out what happened with the e-mail after I return which will be too late to do anything about. In 24 hours I will be arriving at the airport to board my flight. I arrive on Friday at 2:17 and Evan has thoughtfully said he would pick me up. I am starting to think about friends and returning and Austin and all the things I left behind for 3 weeks. I have so much to do before I leave work and I am not very excited about it. Millions of thought have floated through my mind including giving my two weeks notice but I know that is not nearly enough time to leave my office in good shape. I am tying up all the loose ends... House is sold, Manna has a new home, I graduated, a box was delivered, a trip was taken and all I have left to do is give my notice. I am now looking to the Valley, saying goodbye to friends, spending time with my family, quality time time I have not had in years. I have not stayed this long in the Valley since I was 19 and living in Harlingen. After that a new adventure will begin I am considering researching ESL certification classes as well as Spanish classes. All is all I feel refreshed and relaxed I have thought about who I have been for the last 10 years and who I might become over the next 12 months.

See you all soon.


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