trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Memorial Day, South Padre Island, Progresso Mexico and Cabrito

I have been sick for days now, the Typhoid Vaccine that I have had to take oraly for over a week is killing me. I finally took the last pill. I am trying to pack my bags now plan and see if everything will fit. I bought a very small back pack, 3/5 the size of what I am used to traveling with. I am not sure if this was a great idea but I thought it would be better than lugging around things I wont need but will feel compelled to throw in at the last minute. Norm is planning the first leg of my Central America and Xave's friend Jake has confirmed that I should contact him when I get to Costa Rica if I am interrested in a Panama adventure. As for this past weekend I had a very good time, we spent all day down onthe public access beaches with tons of people I grew up with, now of whom most are pregnant, have children or are married, and the day was very fun. We made s'mores, hotdogs, fajitas, etc... adn played in the sand and surf. That night I metup with some other friends one of whom I had not seen in over a year and proceeded to live it up at Tequilas a bay side bar that I used to frequent when I was 21 or so. The next day after having a morning dip in the Gulf of Mexico I headed back to La Feria where another group of people were meeting up to head to Mexico for the evening. this is when I finally had my first taste of Cabrito. We headed to Arturos for Margaritas and then made our way down to Chino Taco, a taco stand on the side of the main blouvard in Progresso Mexico. It was very noisy this very day becaue Mexico had qualified for the World Cup to be held in Germany next summer. They were driving down the strip, honking their horns, waving flags, and so we joined in the festivities. El Chinito opened a special pot he had brewing on the side and made me a cabrito taco and as I ate it he pulled out the head to prove to me that it was indeed a goat, yum.... after that I stuck to the trompe of meat and just had tacos and lunches.

Dentist Candy Store

Dancing with El Chinito

Heavy Burden

Paige & Jen


Matamoros,Tamalipas - MEXICO

I went to spend the weekend in Matamoros with Marigel. We called up Chiques to meet us at Mi Pueblito where we drank Margaritas. Although they seemed sweet they had quite a bit of tequila in them, then we started drinking Champagne, or sparkeling white. It was Sophia by the Coppola vinyards and it was wonderful. After dinner at a French place in a dark alley we headed to the discos and then to the Jacala Club, a place described by Marigel as a bar that could be right out of a Pedro Almodovar movie. I was amazed at the amount of Spanish I was able to speak, maybe they were only indulging me. We walked into the Club, handed the bar owner a CD and and we danced around to the music. The next morning after margaritas, champagne, wine and Cuba Libras we went to go have breakfast tacos and Mexican Coca-Cola. Thank God for greasy breakfast tacos!!!

Cure for a Hangover


Maria de los Angeles Cuellar - Marigel

Jacala Club

Jacala Club y rosas


Posted by: kilastravels.

Dinner in Matamoros


Chillin' in Harlingen


Via Con Dios

I have come to realize over the last year that as one door closes another opens. What I failed to realize or rather anticipate was that as that door closes one begins to realize all the wonderful things left behind the door. Many of you have been a part of that realization.

I have made peace with my decision to leave Austin by convincing myself that if I was lucky enough to meet so many wonderful people in one place then there are more out there and I must find them. I know it will never again be the same dynamic.

Many changes have happened in my life since I have worked here and many of you have been around to witness these changes, both good and bad you have been there for me, many without even realizing it. For that I am eternally grateful. I think in the future I would like to remember this place in a slow motion Saturday Night Live kind-of-way; one of the shows that plays the highlights of the comedian after they leave SNL. I believe my mental farewell show will be peppered with memories of all of you, along with breakfast club, company picnics, dog photos, happy hours, babies being born, weddings, pot lucks, testing conferences, meetings at the hotel, etc., etc., etc.... Oh, and laughter, lots and lots of laughter. That is the part I will miss most.

Since many of you have asked, here is my information:

I will be in Central America in July and part of August, Argentina for three months teaching English and then traveling through South America until I head home for the holidays. In January I will be heading to Spain to teach English for three months and then traveling for a couple more hoping to hit the World Cup in Germany Summer 2006. You are more than welcome to meet me anywhere along the way. is the e-mail address you can reach me at and if you are ever bored or looking for a diversion you can follow my travels at: starting in early July.

I would like to end with a quote from my favorite author …

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." – Dr. Seuss (what you thought it was going to be Hemingway?)

Kelly Phillips - unemployed


Patience, young grasshopper...

My first lessons from Air:

Balance - There must be balance in everything. We cannot know joy without having known sadness, life without having known death, order without having known chaos.
My Charge: Don't neglect the need for spiritual company. Solitude has it's purpose and time, but your soul starves for companionship.

Awareness - The One is all around us, if only we open our senses and see, taste, touch, smell, and hear.
My Charge: Accept the awareness you have and continually strive to reach awareness you don't.

Diversity - No two souls are alike. Never will you hear the same wind twice. Diversity adds power and knowledge to the One.
My Charge: Celebrate not only the simmilarities between souls, but also the differences.

Committment - A fleeting brush against a new challange has it purpose, but a true committment to a cause enables powerful acheivement.
My Charge: Commit youself to this study and let it guide you to new and greater enlightenment.