trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Cairns, SCUBA & the Great Barrier Reef

I made it to Cairns yesterday and checked into the Travelers Oasis. It was hot but not unbearable. Hot in a I remember summer camp hot kind of way. As I walked off the plane a mother walked with her two daughters. The eldest walking obediently with her mother. The youngest walking slightly ahead keeping even with me waving her arms and making a rhythmic sound with her voice. I enjoyed watching her. Her mother quietly called he name to no avail. As I watched her I wanted to join her and wondered why I wasn't flapping my arms and trotting along with her. I then wondered when the last time I tried to attempt a cartwheel, stood on my head or played duck duck goose... I got off the plane and the town was beautiful. This area of Australia makes me wonder what other islands in Oceania must look like. I took a cab to town and Met Mark the from desk man and he immediately helped me pick some sight seeing tours. I picked a sailboat to go snorkeling rather than book one of the super cruisers with a glass bottom and up to 350 passengers. This morning I woke way before my alarm insisted that I wake and took a leisurely stroll before Mark drove me to dock E where I met the crew and fellow snorkeling on the EcstaSEA. The second we got on the boat they began trying to sell us on the upgrades. I then decided to try SCUBA diving. I snorkeled for the first half and then after a lunch of chicken curried potatoes and bread hopped into the water with a tank strapped to my back. I was a bit tense and my dive instructor grabbed my hand and began leading me along the reef. I saw stingray, giant clams and may other wonderful fish. On the way back I just sat there and stared out at the horizon. I remembered heading out with guys in high school and sitting on the edge of the boat zoning out while they fished. There was not a lot of talking going on and I realized how wonderful it all was. I think I forgot how much I loved the ocean because I am not a fan of the sand, but I am a fan of the water and I am a fan of boats. Tonight is St Paddy's Day. I have passed people with green hair, green clothes, and even Mark at the hostel has painted his beard green. I am drinking a coffee and have not decided whether a Guinness is in my near future because I am heading to the Rain forrest tomorrow and to see an old Spanish castle that is built nearby and will have to wake early. We will supposedly jump in lush tropical pools, and play under waterfalls, as well as a few other scheduled stops. This is probably good since I am a bit sunburned. Hopefully the aloe vera gel I purchased will come in handy, I am not sure how the lack of air conditioning will work but I am in a room with all women so if I have made peace with the fact that I may have to sleep in my skivvies. Time moves very slowly here in Cairns and most people are here for the diving. I met a nice man from New Zealand that told me where I should go when I get there and informed me that the weather would be quite chilly and that when landing I would fly over the snow capped mountains surrounding the area. I also met a guy here from Chicago last night but as the night moved along his only goal was to dive the great barrier reef get drunk and after a Caesar salad I left for home. How can you trust a guy from Chicago wearing a Yankees baseball cap anyway. The guy next to me is passing gas so I think I will sigh off now.

Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone.


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