trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


I made it to Sydney

I made it to Sydney after a 14 hour plane ride from LAX, alive and on solid ground. After waiting to get through customs I decided to call my friend Irene Kauffmann, she sent me her mobile phone number and two phone cards later, an international card and a local card, I got in touch with her. She then informed me she was off to synagogue because her brother was getting married and would I meet her at Bondi Beach at 12:30, how could I refuse she also offered me a free place to stay. I would be at her brothers or at her mothers depending oh what she found out after temple. I waited in the taxi line in about 85 degree weather which is only hot when you are wearing jeans and not used to the weather but I am acclimating. We drove past the cricket fields, the rugby park and and area of town that has one of those very Londonesque names passing dilapidated "mansions" and finally ended up in a part of town with bronzed young people carrying surf boards. It is gorgeous today, I am hearing everyone say it and I am agreeing, happy Saturday morning. I can see the ocean from where I am typing and after I change into a skirt... I threw on the reef flip flops the minute I stepped outside... I am going to explore the area, maybe find a cold beverage and absorb it all. No I have not seen any landmarks, and with the sound of the cheesy club music playing in this place and the young people walking around I could be at just about any beach town, but I am not, I am in Sydney.


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