trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


I've been to Hades and back

I am listening to Juanes song Camisa Negra, great song... Well I just got off the bus ride of my life. I have been in 4 countries today... Nica, Honduras, El Salvadore and Guate... look at a map my friends that is a long way to go. Not to mention that since I wrote last I had everything but my clothing, passport and camera stolen out of my locked room. Yes... cell phone gone, iPod gone, comb, tooth brush etc, etc. I replaced the tooth brush. After Poneloya we returned to Leon and had a wonderful morning where I even bought candy to hand out to the kids that were in town hanging around the square and returned to an open door... so much for the guard at the front door of my hospedeja. So then we headed to Chinendaga... Hades as in hotter than... to try and make it to the border of Honduras only to hit ferria and everything was closed. I mean everything... internet, bus station et al. So we decided to relax in a room with MTV and AC. Headed to feria and adopted three kids, bought cotton candy to hand out to more kids, paid for rides on the old and rather scarry carnival ride and then bought the kids dinner... they asked for the equivalent of ramen noodles. It brought me back to my freshman dorm room at Tulane and I was happy that I was past the days of 25 cent dinners. Did I mention that my charger for my camera was taken too, as well as a few other important items. So I used Elisa's camera when I felt a shot or two was necessary and we should be burning a disk from her camera when we make it to civilization at a decent hour tomorrow. We have changed plans and are thinking Belize, I can never be sure where I will head next but the thought of heading south on a bus again gives me the chills. I am thinking airplane. Yes I aso received an e- mail from my friend Danielle in Australia about volunteering at the World Cup and then I thought about the midnight sun in Finland and Elisa is now trying to convince me to meet her in South-east Asia next summer in July. I said that maybe if I can learn to live super cheap then I would be in. Basically the only major price is the airfare and with the miles I would accrue I would have another free AA ticket to the destination of my choice. OK so back to the stolen goods, I keep realizing things that are missing like my most favorite eye stick from origins, could someone please mail me some to Buenos Aires. My Ms Smiths RoseBud Salve that I use for everything from scrapes, burns, to lip gloss and the occasional eye cream... gone as well. My swiss army card that had my scissors, tweezers, and all the other good stuff gone, damn!!! I figure they need it more than me but now I don't have anyones phone number or the photos I so enjoyed on my picture phone, I will have to buy a new phone in BA when I get to Argentina. So while I'm thinking about it a Happy B-day to my grandfather Charles, Marigel and in a few days to my favorite sister in the whole wide world - you know who you are. I will call you soon. Other than that Ferria was great, the bus ride long, I am relaxing for a few days, heading back to Comalapa to see Norm and Chrissy and then onto the next destination which is still unknown although we have found a great route through NE Guate... Semuc Chambey and Livingston - accessible only by boat... up to Belize, missing Sun Jam 2005 in Honduras but I am not sure a rave on the Keys is really my speed anyway. So now I am going to order a glass of wine soon and just relax, maybe look for some things I forgot to buy the last time I was in Guate and try to buy a comb for my hair and maybe a scrub brush to scrub the dirt off my feet that has now become more a part of me than I had ever hoped. In closing... So Long, Farewell, Avertizang, Adeau... My dirty feet and my nappy hair bid you all a good night. Besos y Abrasos............


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