trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Dreaming of Travel

I keep dreaming about traveling, it guess it is beginning to consume my sleeping moments as well. I sit every day at work and wonder where I am going to be next. I signed up for a class at UT. The class is called "Teaching English overseas - the easiest & quickest way to get a job abroad". I was already finding out information about some programs in Central and South America, yesterday I spoke on the phone with Andrew about the probability of teaching. He is the Chile and Argentina contact. I was thinking Ecuador but now I am thinking Buenos Aires, I was thinking travel in Europe now I am thinking teaching in Spain then travel in Europe. I am trying to figure out a route and have no earthly idea how to it. I need an entry point into central America and I need to figure out how long I want to be there and do I want to stop and take any classes in Guatemala. Then I need to find a point to exit the country after being in Argentina and then traveling for 4 weeks. I need a map and lots of those tiny red push pins with the balls on top, maybe even the ones with flags. I am planning on leaving for Central America on the 8th of July and not returning until the 15th of December. I will be home until the beginning of January and will need to be in Spain by the 9th of January not Returning until the end of May. That will give me 6 months of teaching and 4 months of travel, covering Central & South America and Europe.


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