trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.



I went to get see Syriana yesterday with my grandparents. It was good, very good and as I watched it, and tried to wrap my brain around it I felt myself becoming angry. I don't get angry very much anymore unless I think about the program that ripped me off... GLOBAL EDUCATION CORPORATION... I digress. Anyway, I know ignorance is bliss and I like to believe that people are truly good, however sometimes I am reminded that this is not always the case. A friend of me told me once that it was as simple as an old western movie, there are the people in black and the people in white, the good guys and the bad guys. Is it really that simple? I know we all make mistakes sometimes but I really want to be the person in white, not a martyr, or a hero, just one of the good guys. I try not to lie, cheat or steal... I try to say thanks and bless you... I try to return calls, try being the operative word... I don't BS people and I am not an apple polisher, I won't tell you "you look great" or "love your dress" if I don't believe it to be true and I won't just put a smile on my face, but I try to be good in the simplest sense of the word. Am I naive to think that if we were all a little more considerate & honest and a little less critical of others & self serving that things would be a little easier out there? So when I watched this movie and I watched the games being played I wondered, have we all just lost out minds.

Other than that today I received an e-mail from a friend who will be getting married in 6 months in Israel, I would love to go, although I might give my father a heart attack if I go to that part of the world right now. I also went to my nephews Christmas pageant, he hates being up on the stage and would not participate. I didn't blame him one bit, this was his third year of hating being on stage. We speculate that next year he may feign illness in order to avoid it. He sat there legs crossed, hand over his mouth, looking for his mother in the crowd. Besides calling out Mama between secular and non-secular Christmas songs... He kept talking to the girls on either side of him, obviously about his discontent. The little girl to his left occasionally put her arm around him to comfort him, which made him smile and which also makes him the Mac daddy of the pre-K.


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