trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Getting off the Island and onto the Beach

We woke up on Wednesday to torrential downpours, I think I remember
someone asking what the **** is going on out there. My reply was I
think they are building an ark. I woke up a bit later and reminded my
roommates that it was time to start gathering the animals, two by two.
Geccos, most certainly we would have to gather geccos. We could not
figure out what all the ruckus was beyond the constant hammer of the
rain against the metal roof, until we stepped out to see about 100
people dressed in spandex, an eco challenge group had arrived in the
night and a very large group of very fit people we standing in my
breakfast area, while I stood half asleep in my duck pajamas with what
appeared to be an afro and sleep in my eyes. Great, good morning, pass
the pancakes and bananas please. I recovered quickly and waited for
the others to wake up. Let`s get off this Island, as beautiful as it
was we were tired and craving civilizationn, plus the volcano hike
they begged me to join them on had been the hardest climb of their
life...They were sore, tired and muddy and we were ready to go. I know
some people like to think they know the art of haggling, and at times
I have been know to haggle a little myself, but there are times when
supply and demand comes into play and capitalism is the key. A bus had
made it to our place, one of very few that would even attempt and so
he doubled the price of the ride. I had no problem with this because
it was 3.50 for riding in the back of a truck in the rain or 5.00 to
be in a covered coach. Well the supertravelers that were also at my
hostel refused to pay the inflated fee... you never know when a dollar
fifty might come in handy... can I get another beer please. So on they
went rain gear on, in the back of the truck. We sat there with the eco
challenge people contemplating our next move as they plotted theirs.
The owner called in some favors and a speed boat came around the
corner, it was to drive us to the nearest town in the middle of the
island, we would have to hike to the nearest raod and hitch hike into
town to get to the ferry, the last one leaving at 4:00. Well to make a
long story short we made it, and then hopped in a cab to San Juan del
Sur, where we hit civilization. I am staying with two other girls at
the moment, they guys paid for a room with television, we paid for a
room with aprivatee bathroom and shower and to our surprise a full
length mirror. I had forgottenn what my knees looked like. So here we
are in a surfers paradise not to be confused with a gangsters
paradise, drinking micheladas, eating piazza, and I might even get a
pedicure today. We will be here until Saturday and then off to
possibly another colonial city, Leon. This is our last night together.
The Boston boys head back to Costa Rica as well does the girl from
Germany, Katrine, to catch her flight home. We are sending Norm back
to Guatemala and I am staying with the Canadian and heading back to
Guatemala a bit slower. Everything is good, it is beautiful and I have
turned a nice shade of milk chocolate. I sit on the beach or at a bar
that has nice seats and stare into the surf, then possibly I will read
a bit.I am reading a David Eggers book, I like his writing style. Hope
everyone is well and survived hurricane Emily. MAKTUB.


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