trav·els (trăv'uls)- v.intr. - To go from one place to another, as on a trip. Ki·la - (kE-la)- n. slang - A word deriving from south Texas meaning Tia Kelly.


Day 4 - Antigua

I am sitting here in Antigua and it is so very strange to see all the tourists that are here. I have become acustom to being the only white person (besides Norm), and suddenly there are spanish students and ex-pats everywhere. Today we hopped in the back of a truck and headed to Chimal to meet a friend of Norm's as well as look for bunk beads for the interns rooms. We found both. The days here have been slow, yesterday I spent most of my time cooking and cleaning. We were also invited down to a neighbors house for his (David) birthday. We ate chuchos were are similar to a tamale but with salsa inside and a bit of chicken or a chunk of gristle depending on if you were lucky or not. I had a 50/50 ratio, and when I got gristle I swallowed it whole. I was amazing to sit in a dirt floor room with these indiginous people and eat lunch. We lost electricty the other day but we heard that it is back on, and the water was delivered today as well. Not just drinking water, bathing and wahing dishes water. You have to buy it to be delivered to your house and have your tank filled. I have had so many wonderful moments I am not sure where to start. We are heading back to Comalapa in the morning to work on getting things together for the Long Way Home Foundation. We have Michael (Norm's old peace corps friend) with us for a week to put together a plan. I will try to write more later...


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